Walter Klepetko, MD
Professor of Thoracic Surgery
Director and Head of Surgery

Walter Klepetko is an internationally leading thoracic surgeon. He is Professor and Head of Thoracic Surgery at the Medical University of Vienna, owing a special experience and reputation for surgery of complex thoracic diseases.
He is a past president of the European Association of CardioThoracic Surgery (EACTS) and a former European Representative in the Council of the American Association of Thoracic Surgeons (AATS). His scientific work consists of more then 700 original publications.
Christoph Zielinski, MD
Professor of Medical Oncology

Christoph Zielinski is an internationally leading medical oncologist. He is Professor of Clinical Immunology and Medical Oncology at the Medical University of Vienna, and currently Director of the Vienna Cancer Center.
He is a president of the Central European Cooperative Oncology Group, Council Member of the European Society for Medical Oncology and Editor-in-Chief of the internet-only open-access journal ot the European Society for Medical Oncology “ESMO Open – Cancer Horizons”. His scientific work consists of more than 600 publications in peer-review journals.
Wolfgang J. Köstler, MD PhD
Professor of Medical Oncology

Wolfgang J. Köstler did his MD studies at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria, and his PhD studies at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.
He became a board-certified specialist for Internal Medicine in 2004, Associate Professor of Medicine in 2005, and board-certified specialist for Hematology/Oncology in 2007. He currently serves as cochairman of the Thoracic Medical Oncology Service at the Division of Oncology at the Medical University of Vienna. He mainly sees patients with solid tumors including lung cancer. His scientific interests include molecularly targeted therapies, immunoncology, and tumors in adolescents and young adults.
Philipp Peloschek, MD
Associate Professor of Radiology

Dr Peloschek studied at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria. He became a board-certified radiologist 2002 and completed his post-doctoral teaching qualification in 2004.
His research focused on artificial intelligence applications for thoracic and oncologic radiology as well as hybrid imaging. From 2012 he planned and built the Radiology Center ( in the Vienna Private Clinic. In this institution he offers the full spectrum of diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine services for patients with thoracic malignancies.
Andreas Bacher, MD
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology

Dr. Bacher finished his studies of medicine in 1991 at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria. He trained at the Department of Anesthesiology and General Intensive Care of the Medical University of Vienna. Between 1996 and 1997 he did extensive research at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, USA, mainly about neurologic function and neurologic damage prevention after ischemia and head trauma. Since then his scientific interest has been focused on cardiopulmonary problems in intensive care.
He now acts as the Vice Chair of the Department of General Anesthesia and Intensive Care of the Medical University of Vienna where he runs a specialized intensive care unit.
Gerhard Dekan, MD
Associate Professor of Pathology

Dr Dekan holds a position as associate professor of pathology at the Clinical Institute of Pathology of the Medical University of Vienna / AKH Vienna, with a main focus on lung pathology. From 1986 to 1991 he was Max Kade Postdoctoral Fellow and Visiting Research Scientist at the Department of Cell Biology, Yale University UCSD School of Medicine. 1991 he joined the lung transplant program in Vienna as pathologist and got increasingly involved in lung pathology.
Since 1995 Dr. Dekan is serving as head of the lung pathology working group at the Clinical Institute of Pathology at the medical university of Vienna. Most of his research studies were done with the Department of Thoracic Surgery, MUW focusing on lung transplantation and lung tumors.
Claus Krenn, MD PhD
Professor of Anestesiology

Claus Krenn studied at the Medical University of Vienna(MUW) and later specialized in Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine. His research work focuses on sepsis and respiratory failure. He holds the position of a Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care at MUW and is head of one of its Intensive Care Units.
He has published more then 100 original papers and book chapters.
Mir Alireza Hoda, MD PhD
Associate Professor of Surgery

Dr. Hoda received his MD from the Medical University Vienna in 2006 and his PhD degree in translational cancer research in 2017 at the same university.
He is a board certified attending thoracic surgeon and interventional bronchoscopist at the Division of Thoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Medical University Vienna. From 2008 he started to focus his clinical and research activities on thoracic oncology with an emphasis on malignant pleural mesothelioma and lung cancer. He serves as a director of the thoracic malignancies branch of the Austrian Society for Surgical Oncology.
His clinical interest are minimal invasive thoracic surgery (VATS anatomic resections) and diagnosis and staging of thoracic cancers by endoscopy (includig EBUS).