VICTO offers all necessary services for diagnosis, treatment, and support for patients affected by a thoracic malignancy.

All types of bronchoscopic investigations and complete histopathological and moleculargenetic assessment.

State-of-the-art imaging techniques including:
PET/CT, MRI, Ultrasound, Angiography


VICTO offers the complete spectrum of surgical interventions, from minimal invasive to maximal radical surgery.
- Video assisted thoracic surgery
- Uniportal surgery
- Muscle sparring minithoracotomy
- Sleeve resections
- Complex resections
- Thoracic wall resections
Medical Oncology
VICTO offers the entire and most up to date medical oncology treatments.
- Personalized medicine
- Targeted therapy
- Immuntherapy
- Chemotherapy
- Various types of combinationtherapies
According to the individual situation patients are offered participation in front line studies as well as individualized forms of treatment.
Care & amenities
We care for our patients with empathy and enthusiasm.
We offer guidance on living with a malignancy diagnosis, including dietary advice and physiotherapeutic instruction.

VICTO acts within the background of the WPK Cancer Center and offers the top housing quality of the Vienna Private Clinic.